Abbey Graphics does not disclose to any third party the person information submitted by you via email, submission form, or other method. Your privacy is respected and protected to the best of our ability.
A copy of all correspondence with clients may be kept, but will be used solely as a client record or for marketing purposes and will not be passed on to any third party.
Anonymous information regarding your browser type, date & time of visit, platform, how you reached this site, and other traffic details may be gathered by the server upon your visit to this web site, but is used solely for administrative purposes and traffic analysis.
Abbey Graphics is not responsible for the content of the external sites listed in the links directory.
All content on this website is copyrighted, and contains some third-party images used with permission. No content from Abbey Graphics, either images or text, may be used with prior written consent.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding this privacy policy, please contact us.